
Covenant and Creation: An Old Testament Covenant Theology is unavailable, but you can change that!

God’s grace demonstrated in the biblical narrative through the lens of covenant. This study analyses the different divine covenants of the Old Testament and argues that they are closely related. The successive covenants, from Noah to David, are seen to express the divine purpose for humanity from the creation onwards. William Dumbrell interacts extensively with attempts to explain the...

will be unvaried and invariable, but Israel’s experience of divine blessing within her national life will depend upon the measure by which the divine will expressed through law is realized in her national conduct. The call of the Decalogue is thus to translate faith into action, and the Ten Words will have no force unless they serve always to point back to the redemption which is their presupposition. At this stage, though the word does not appear in Exodus 20, some account should be taken of the
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